Funeral Costs
What does a funeral cost in Sydney?
To aid our model of pricing transparency, and as regulated by Fair Trading, please see the following sample packages and costs that may be incurred in after death care and funeral services, pending your decisions.
We offer all our people a 15 minute no obligation consultation by phone, after which we can issue you a bespoke itemised quote that is tailored to your needs and budget.
*Rates for genuine hardship can be negotiated on a case by case basis, don’t hesitate to call.
Private Cremation (Direct/ NSNA)
Like most firms today, we can offer a Private Cremation, which is a cremation that is unattended (sometimes called Direct Cremation or NSNA - No Service, No Attendance). But the Life Rites difference means that the beautiful Essential Body Care that we give all of our people - which involves respectful and gentle washing, dressing and coffining by two our dedicated staff at our onsite mortuary - is included. This, along with every other step throughout from all of our team members, means that personhood and story is maintained and your person will never be treated as an anonymous number.
Adding a facilitated dressing, a viewing or a ‘being with’ in our lovely onsite chapel is also possible, along with any other item in our full list of itemised costs. Another possibility that many take up is working with Life Rites to create a separate Memorial Service at a later date, made all the more meaningful when we have been the same team that cared for your person in the first instance.
from $4, 046.84 including GST
Our services are fully customisable, and the following typical sample costing is provided for ease of consideration only
Transfer to Life Rites, in hours - $357.50
Mortuary Berth Fee - $550.00
Essential Body Care - $286.00
Cremation Certificates, est. - $165.00
Cremation Coffin (Daisybox) and Nameplate, regular size - $213.40
Cremation Fee, and ashes return to Life Rites - $695.00
BDM Death Certificate - $73.70
Life Rites Cremation Arrangement and Administration - $550.00
Ongoing monthly Grief Circle - gift
Subtotal - $2, 890.60
Life Rites Company Fee based on 40% of the above actual prices; covers administration and overheads - $1, 156.24
Total - $4, 046.84
Entry-level Wooden Coffin (Richmond MDF), and Nameplate, regular size - $511.50
Small Seasonal Flowers, est - $385.00
Viewing or ‘Being With’ in our chapel - $165.00 p/h
Doula-Assisted Washing and Dressing in our chapel - $230.00
Simple Cremations or Burials
Our services are fully customisable, and the following sample costings are provided for ease of consideration only.
from $8,861.58 including GST
A typical sample costing for Essential After Death Care and Cremation, with Secular Ceremony at a Local Crematorium.
Transfer to Life Rites, in hours - $357.50
Mortuary Berth Fee - $550.00
Essential Body Care - $286.00
Cremation Certificates, est.- $165.00
Simple Cremation Coffin (Daisybox) and Nameplate, regular size - $213.40
RSVP page on our website - no charge
Cremation Fee and Single Booking at a Sydney Crematorium Chapel, est - $1,203.10
'Coffin in place' - transfer to Crematorium - $286.00
Small Seasonal Flowers, est - $385.00
Life Rites Funeral Attendants on day of service x 2 @ $55/ hour - $330.00
BDM Death Certificate - $73.70
Life Rites Funeral Direction for Crematorium Chapel Service with Cremation - $1,600.00
Life Rites Celebrancy - $880.00
Ongoing monthly Grief Circle - gift
Subtotal - $6, 329.70
Life Rites Company Fee based on 40% of the above actual prices; covers administration and overheads - $2,531.88
Total - $8, 861.58
Entry-level Wooden Coffin (Richmond MDF), and Nameplate, regular size - $511.50
Hearse - $660.00
Viewing or ‘Being With’ in our chapel - $165.00 p/h
Doula-Assisted Washing and Dressing in our chapel - $230.00
Orders of Service; design, est. - $165.00
Orders of Service; printing, est. - $176.00
Visual Tribute, est - $220.00
Memorial Event Management - $110.00 p/h
from $8, 342.18 including GST
A typical sample costing for Essential After Death Care and Burial, with Chapel Service at a Local Cemetery. NB. For burials, families pay burial fee and cost of plot direct to cemetery, prices differ per venue.
Transfer to Life Rites, in hours - $357.50
Mortuary Berth Fee - $550.00
Essential Body Care - $286.00
Simple Burial Coffin (Richmond MDF) and Nameplate, regular size - $511.50
RSVP page on our website - no charge
Hearse (compulsory for burial) - $660.00
Small Seasonal Flowers, est - $385.00
Life Rites Funeral Attendants on day of service @ $55/ hour (3 + hearse driver compulsory for burial) - $495.00
BDM Death Certificate - $73.70
Life Rites Funeral Direction; for Cemetery Chapel Service with Burial - $1, 760.00
Life Rites Celebrancy - $880.00
Ongoing monthly Grief Circle - gift
Subtotal - $5, 958.70
Life Rites Company Fee based on 40% of the above actual prices; covers administration and overheads - $2, 383.48
Total - $8, 342.18
Viewing or ‘Being With’ in our chapel - $165.00 p/h
Doula-Assisted Washing and Dressing in our chapel - $230.00
Orders of Service; design, est. $165.00
Orders of Service; printing, est.- $176.00
Memorial Event Management - $110.00 p/h
View information and sample costings for other service styles and specialties such as green, family-led, home, traditional, site-specific, faith-based, inter-cultural, Australian Indigenous and LGBTQIA+ funerals; memorials, living wakes, support for sudden deaths, gentle care for babies and pre-term loss, and support for Voluntary Assisted Dying…
Our Pricing Transparency Policy
Arranging a funeral is not like buying a simple product and some decisions may need to happen quickly, whilst being in a vulnerable state. For this reason we have a clear and transparent pricing policy.
We show you the raw cost price of each item, and then apply a Company Fee that is based on 40% of these costs. When preparing the final invoice, each item is confirmed against actual costs and if this is less than was quoted, we invoice you less.
We are a small, independent team who work at an authentically human scale with great quality and depth, in our own bricks and mortar premises. Accordingly, our Company Fee sustains our team overheads and our beloved premises including chapel and onsite mortuary care.
Pre-Planning, Pre-Paid Funerals and Funeral Bonds
Pre-Planning a funeral can be done by anyone at any time. This involves an hour and a half meeting with a Life Rites funeral director, in person or on Zoom. In this conversation we will speak to your questions and requests around funeral rites and share ideas on what is possible. From this we will furnish you with a sample quote so you have a sense of what is entailed, ready for when you need it.
Cost, including provision of quote: $165.00; deductible from your final fee, should you use our service in the future.
A Pre-Paid Funeral or Funeral Bond can also be arranged by anyone at any time. We partner with Funeral Plan Management to provide both.
Serving Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Blue Mountains and Illawarra, including…