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RSVP Life Rites Grief Circle

Grief Circle at Life Rites

Saturday, 20th April 2024


IMPORTANT NOTE - 10am this week

Boutique Funeral Home

118 Durham St, Hurstville

Grief circles are much needed safe place to listen and be heard. A place to help people explore and give language to the inexplicable feeling and experiences of grief .

Life Rites Grief Circle hopes to help us tell our story and support us to reconnect to the world in our new reality.

You are warmly invited to join our Grief Circle. If you wish to attend to be with and get a taste for the circle, but do not feel able to share yet, that too is warmly welcomed.



15 April

RSVP Funeral Ceremony for Geoffrey Bracken

1 May

RSVP Memorial Ceremony for Shirley Auburn